Rangers Sports Club 2023 AGM
The 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Chatswood Rangers Sports Club will be held on Monday 27th November 2023 at 7:30pm at Longueville Sporting Club (The Diddy), cnr Kenneth Street and River Road Longueville.
Please note:
- If you wish to nominate for a committee position, please complete the Committee Nomination Form and return it to the Club Secretary (admin@chatswoodrangers.com.au) no later than 5:00pm Monday 20th November 2023.
- If you would like to add an item to the agenda, please forward your request to the Club Secretary (admin@chatswoodrangers.com.au) by no later than 5:00pm Monday 20th November 2023.
Download the 2023 AGM Agenda here.
Download the proposed updated Constitution here.
2023 was the Club’s 60th year. Chatswood Rangers Sports Club continues to grow from strength to strength and is looking to continue this trend by ensuring our Committee is well supported in their efforts. The AGM is a very important event for the Club and is an opportunity for you to have your say in the running of YOUR club.
If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch.
I look forward to seeing some new faces at the AGM.
Kind Regards,
Joe Butler
Club President
E: president@chatswoodrangers.com.au