2024 Champions and Finalists
Congratulations to all Rangers junior teams who played the finals in 2024 and to our Under 11C team for winning the Grand Final!
Congratulations to all Rangers junior teams who played the finals in 2024 and to our Under 11C team for winning the Grand Final!
Congratulations to Zara Jones who was awarded the Joe Hockey encouragement award for her contribution to netball at both club and association level for playing, coaching and umpiring in 2024.
Zara coached both the U11 and U12 teams through to Grand Finals, umpired for NSNA at representative carnivals and achieved her Umpires National C Badge this year.
Chatswood Rangers was awarded the Northern Suburbs Netball Association’s Junior Club Champions 2024!
This award recognises the efforts of all players, coaches and umpires with points awarded for team placings, umpiring awards and participation on NSNA committees. Go Rangers!
The 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Chatswood Rangers Sports Club will be held on Monday 18th November 2024 at 7:30pm at Longueville Sporting Club (The Diddy), cnr Kenneth Street and River Road Longueville. We invite all members and friends of the Club to participate in the AGM and consider steeping forward to a Committee or sub-Committee role for 2025.
The inaugural Chatswood Rangers Community Awards Event will also take place at 6:30pm preceding the AGM. If you would like to nominate a Club member for an award, please get in touch with one of the Coordinators.
Please note:
2024 was the Club’s 61st year! Chatswood Rangers Sports Club continues to grow from strength to strength and is looking to continue this trend by ensuring our Committee is well supported in their efforts. The AGM is a very important event for the Club and is an opportunity for you to have your say in the running of YOUR CLUB.
If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch.
We look forward to seeing many of you at the Awards Events and AGM.
Chatswood Rangers Football Club are pleased to announce that we will be running a Mini-Roos Football Academy and Junior Football Academy this year. The 12 week Academy programs are designed to provide advanced training for players looking to play JDL, Super League, Diamond League or Development level football.
The Mini-Roos program will be run at Thomson Park on Tuesdays and Thursdays and be coordinated by Coach Hansel (Coordinator of our Mini-Roos Development Program) along with our in-house team of coaches.
The Junior program will be run at Chatswood High School on Tuesday and Thursdays and supported by lead coaches from Vision Football and their experienced coaching team.
A 10% discount is offered to 2024 Rangers players with a sibling discount also available.
Full details of the programs can be found at the online shop.
Places will be limited so will be filled on a first come first served basis.
Dear Members
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our esteemed life member, and past Club President, Peter Linders.
Peter not only served as our President, but was instrumental in the formation of the Senior Football Club in 1983.
There are many things Chatswood Rangers has Peter to thank for, however, his vision of providing a pathway for junior footballers to become senior footballers and continue their career with Rangers, has allowed many local community members to experience the joys of the Beautiful Game and, more importantly, given them the opportunity to form lifelong friendships.
Condolences have been extended on behalf of the Club to Peter’s family and we are sure you will all join us in sending thoughts and prayers to the Linders Family in this time of mourning.
At the 2023 AGM a motion was passed to adopt a new Club Constitution, based on the model constitution of the Department of Fair Trading and modified to suit the needs of our Club and to bring us in line with the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 (NSW). This process was led by the 2023 Executive and supported by Tim Borham of Sajen Legal (sponsor and legal advisor for the Club).
The outgoing Constitution can be viewed here and the updated Constitution can be viewed here.
The motion to adopt the new constitution was accepted with the amendments that:
All questions and comments must be put in writing and addressed to the Executive Committee at president@chatswoodrangers.com.au. At the end of the 30-day period the Executive will review all feedback and determine whether any feedback would warrant the calling of an EGM.
The reasons presented at the AGM for the need for an updated Constitution included:
The new Constitution will also make management of the Club easier by allowing sub-committee roles to be adapted throughout the year rather than waiting for approval at an AGM (not the Executive roles) and allow for updates to be proposed and voted on outside an AGM where necessary.
The overall purpose of this process is to ensure the effective running of Chatswood Rangers Sports Club, to ensure the Committee is supported and able to carry out their duties, and that all members are well served.