Junior Football
Follow Chatswood Rangers Junior Football on Facebook to keep up to date with the latest Junior Football news and events. https://www.facebook.com/chatswoodrangersjuniorfootball
Read MoreChatswood Rangers Sports Club are so proud to announce that our very own Sebastian Ruskin has been awarded NSFRA – Northern Suburbs Football Referees Association Junior Referee of the Year! What an amazing achievement…but if you know Sebastian you won’t be surprised. He has dedicated himself to football as a player and as a referee, […]
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Welcome to a new season with Chatswood Rangers Junior Football Club! We hope you have a great year with us.
We have players of all levels and skills playing in the Northern Suburbs Football (NSFA) competitions.
Saturday 5th April
U6-U11: MiniRoos (non-competition)
U12-U18: Junior Mixed (competition)Sunday 6th April
G6 - G11 Girls MiniRoos (non-competition)
G12 - G18 Junior Girls (competition)CLUB FEES:
U6 – U7: $270 (inc GST)
U8 – U11: $360 (inc GST)
U12 - U18: $410 (inc GST)Fees include all team registration, insurance, ground hire and other related costs. All junior players also receive a football, training shirt and bib as part of their fees.
Family Discount
The Rangers Family Discount applies to the 3rd & 4th family members registering in Junior or Senior Football or Netball. Family members who already receive a free or discounted registration are excluded and the total value of discounts are capped at $200 per family.
To receive a Family Discount either:
1. Email admin@chatswoodrangers.com.au prior to registering a 3rd or 4th family member and request a $100 registration voucher.
2. Email admin@chatswoodrangers.com.au after registering a 3rd or 4th family member and request a $100 shop voucher.
In the case of a cancelled registration, the value of the voucher will be removed from any refunded fees along with any other related costs as per the Club Refund Policy.If your family qualifies for the sibling discount please contact club administrator, Michelle King, to assist you: admin@chastwoodrangers.com
Please see the Club Refund Policy in the documents section of the About Page.
Registrations are now open. Please go to the Registration tab below for details and links to the FFA portal.
All registrations are due by 1st March, however registrations for teams in the Under 12 age group and older often close earlier once teams have reached capacity. Please register early to avoid disappointment!
Chatswood Rangers Sports Club is a registered provider for the NSW Active Kids Program
To apply for a voucher visit the link below. Active Kids vouchers are now means tested so you may not be eligible this year despite being eligible in 2023.
All players are required to wear the Chatswood Rangers playing uniform (shirt, shorts and socks). Uniform and off-fields items are available at the Club online shop.
Playing Shirt:
U6-U18 are required to purchase an official Club playing shirt from the online shop. The 2025 shirt is the same as the 2024 design so if you purchased a shirt last year, or have one donated to you, it can still be worn this season.
Shorts - mixed and girls U6-U11 players wear the official Club white shorts. Girls U12-U18 players wear the official Club blue shorts.
Socks - official Club royal blue socks.
Shin guards - MUST be worn when playing or the player is not allowed to take the field - available at most Sports Stores.
Chatswood Rangers and the Northern Suburbs Football Association believes it is in the best interest of all players that, where possible, they play with and against players of similar ability, we therefore undertake varying degrees of player grading across our junior teams.
In 2024 Chatswood Rangers will take the following approach to team formation:
Under 6 and 7 Teams are typically formed on school and friendship groups, so please let us know if you would like to be grouped with certain players. Any player not assigned to a school or friendship team will be allocated a place in one of the remaining teams. Under 8 and above An A and, where player competence permits, a B team will be selected as 'Development Squads' following trials. Where player numbers, permit other teams will be formed as 'Community Teams'. We encourage players and managers to inform us of team formation requests, which may include school, community and friendship affiliations. Any player not assigned to a school or friendship team will be allocated a place in one of the remaining teams.
As a not-for-profit, we rely on the collective strength of our club members to continue to make Chatswood Rangers successful, fun and rewarding for everyone. It is also a great way to be more involved with your child’s team and the community. At a team level, each team will need a manager and a coach, and a game leader (referee) for Miniroos.
At a club level, we are building a sub-committee structure to enable Junior Football to support the , bring diversity of ideas and improve the delivery of the football program for all.
Junior Football programming requires the following roles to support our players:
- Female Football Coordinator
- Football Development Coordinator
- Mini-Roos (U6-U11) Coordinator
- Juniors (U12 - U18) Coordinator
- Junior Football Equipment Coordinator
- Summer Football Coordinator
- Communications Coordinator
- Gala Day & Events Coordinator
Please contact us to get involved! Email juniorfootball@chatswoodrangers.com.au for more information.
Code of Conduct
Everyone involved with the Club should make themselves familiar with the Code of Conduct.
Personal Injury Insurance Information
Q: When and where are weekend games played?
A: For the younger age groups (e.g. U6, U7, U8, U9) all games are played at grounds in the local area, with mixed team playing early on Saturday morning (typically 8.30am to 10.30am) and girls on Sunday at approximately the same times. For example, games are played at Bales Park in Willoughby, Blackman Park in Lane Cove and Tunks Park in Cammeray. Older age groups usually play later in the morning, mostly in the local area however there may be some travel involved to clubs in the northern part of the association.
Q: Which night is training and what time does it start?
A: Training nights are largely determined by the team allocation, the availability of the volunteer coach (usually a parent) and the preference of the majority of the team. This is confirmed following the end of the registration and team allocation process, usually at the end of February.
MiniRoos teams (U6 to U11) will be training on either Monday or Tuesday, depending on their team allocation.
Q: What if the training night does not suit?
A: If a player is not available to train on the night allocated due to another commitment, the player can switch to another team if there is space available and/or a player from that team is willing to swap.
If no alternative arrangement can be found a player can de-register and, if the registration fee has been paid, it will be refunded in full if requested prior to the start of the competition season.
Q: Do players need to attend training?
A: We strongly encourage all players to attend training as not only does it improve skills, combination with teammates and help to understand the coach’s approach and tactics, attending training is also an important part of showing good sportsmanship. Players should not just show up for games but also make a commitment to train, as every other player does.
However, if there is a prior commitment or occasional absence from training that would not be an issue, although as a courtesy this should be discussed with the coach and/or manager of the team prior to training.
Q: Is the team uniform all a player needs?
A: No. All players will be required to purchase their own football boots and shinguards, which are available from major sporting goods stores (e.g. Rebel Sport in Chatswood Westfield, Kingsgrove Sports in Artarmon).
For safety and insurance purposes players are not permitted to take the field without shinguards being in place.
Q: Where can team uniforms be purchased from?
A : Uniform items will be sold via the online store on this website.
Q: The registration fee seems high. What does it cover?
A: The registration fee covers player insurance, ground hire for training and competition matches, equipment, NSFA registration fees, professional coaching and club administration costs (e.g. the website). Most of the fee basically covers the cost of each player participating in football.
The football season runs over 6 months and three school terms. When compared to other activities such as swimming and musical instrument lessons, it is very reasonably priced at approximately $5 per week.
Our fees compare very favourably with other local football clubs. The professional coaching is an added benefit that players do not have to pay any additional money for and is covered by the existing registration fee.
Chatswood Rangers Development Program
Development Football at Chatswood Rangers refers to programs that are designed to offer levels of football that are above the usual ‘Community’ football that most players participate in. NSFA offers three Development Leagues to provide players with a high-level version of community football. These leagues act as the top tier of community football in their respective age groups, enforcing a minimum standard of coaching (all coaches meet a minimum level of qualification) and number of training sessions per week (usually two sessions per week). The NSFA Development Leagues are:Player participation in Development Teams is via selection trials and requires players to not only pay the coaching fees and standard Club registration fees, but to commit to the requirements of the program including two training sessions per week and consistent availability for matches throughout the season and pre-season. Players selected at trial and placed in a Development Team may still be removed from the team, and their place offered to another player, if they do not live up to the expectations. The general process of participating in the Development Program, and other relevant milestones, are:
- Trial information is shared via the Rangers website, Facebook pages and other communications
- Players register for Development Trials
- Optional training programs offered (at additional cost)
- Development Trials carried out
- Player Offers made – accepted via payment of non-refundable deposit of Development Program Fees
- Team announcements
- Team information session
- Self-training and fitness work is encouraged
- Outstanding balance of Development Program Fees due
- Club registrations open late January – all players must register and pay Club Fees to be eligible to play in NSFA competitions
- Team gathering and uniforms organised
- Self-training and fitness work is encouraged
- Self-training and fitness work is encouraged
- Optional pre-season training offered (additional cost)
- Club registrations – unregistered players need to complete this
- Pre-season training commences – twice per week
- Pre-season Trial Matches
- Club registrations – unregistered players need to complete this
- NSFA Winter Competition commences
- In-season training – twice per week
- In-season matches Friday/Saturday/Sunday depending on league and NSFA schedule
- In-season training – twice per week
- In-season matches Friday/Saturday/Sunday depending on league and NSFA schedule
- Season ends (varying dates)
- End of Season Finals for teams who qualify for finals, NSFA will schedule these after the final rounds of the season.
Key aspects of the Development Program are included below. Should you have further questions please direct them to the Development Football Coordinator at footballdevelopment@chatswoodrangers.com.au
All coaches of Development Teams hold the minimum coaching qualifications as required by NSFA (many hold higher qualifications) and if they are over the age of 18 must hold a current Working With Children Number. Vision Football (www.visionfootball.com) coordinate the coaching of all U10-U18 Development Teams. All U8-U9 Development Teams are coached by Rangers coaches under the supervision of our Mini-Roos Coaching Coordinator.
Club FeesThe 2024 season Club fees are listed below. Fees are determined based on registration costs from NSFA and Football NSW as well as ground hire costs and other general expenses. As these costs fluctuate from year to year, Club fees are not determined until just before registrations open.
U6-U7 $235 (inc gst)
U8-U11 $325 (inc gst)
U12-U18 $365 (inc gst)
Sibling Discount – Rangers offers a 50% discount for the 3rd child in a family with any subsequent children in the same family being free.
Development Program Fees
The 2024 season Development Programs fees are included below. These fees cover the additional costs associated with the Development Teams including higher team fees, coaching costs, additional ground hire, pre-season matches and other general expenses. The 2025 fees will be set prior to trials.
U8-U9 $900 (inc gst)
U10-U11 $950 (inc gst)
U12-U14 $1000 (inc gst)
U15-U18 $1050 (inc gst)
Trial Matches (pre-season)
All Development Teams will have trial matches against other NSFA teams, teams from other associations, or other Rangers teams. These matches are 'non-competition' matches, so do not form part of the NSFA Winter Season but will be played to allow coaches to see players perform in various positions, to allow the players to get to know one another and start to develop their bond as a team, and to prepare the teams to be competition ready for the start of the Winter Season.
The cost of trial matches are included in the Development Program Fees.
In-Season Matches
All matches during the Winter Season are scheduled by NSFA and will be published on Dribl. Regulations such as match length, field sizes, and other rules of the competition can be found on the NSFA webiste
Generally the Winter Season consists of up to 18 rounds with one match per round, except in divisions with an odd number of teams where a bye rounds will occur.
Finals MatchesThe NSFA publishes it's approach to finals closer to the end of the season once it is certain there is enough time to allow finals to be played (if many rounds were affected by the weather or cancelled for other reasons, finals may not be played or could be in a reduced format).
Additional CompetitionsThere are a number of additional competitions that teams are able to enter throughout the year. Decisions to enter these tournaments/Cups will be made once teams are formed. Costs involved with entering the tournaments such as coaching, registration and accomodation (when needed) are not covered by the Development Program Fees so would incur additional charges for players who participate.
Some of these tournaments include:
Bathurst CupHeld in early February for U13 to U16 teams, is an opportunity for the players (& parents) to have a fun weekend in Bathurst and play lots of football against quality opposition.
Teams play between 4 and 5 games against a mix of rep and club sides from all over NSW.
This can be a great way for new players to connect with their team and is an opportunity for the teams to bond/reconnect ahead of the season.
Kanga Cup
Held in Canberra in the July school holidays for U9-U18 teams and is the largest football tournament in the Southern Hemisphere. While it is a very competitive tournament, it is also a fantastic week of football with plenty of socialising and activity to keep the players and their families occupied. Teams play 1-2 games per day from Monday to Thursday and hopefully make the finals on the Friday. The cold weather, the football and the social side always makes this a week to remember. Find out more about Kanga Cup.
Proctor Cup
Held in early February for G12 to G16 teams, is an opportunity for the players (& parents) to have a fun weekend in Bathurst and play lots of football against quality opposition.
Teams play between 4 and 5 matches against a mix of rep and club sides from all over NSW.
This can be a great way for new players to connect with their team and is an opportunity for the teams to bond/reconnect ahead of the season.State Cup This is a knockout tournament against other NSW teams. Matches are scheduled for every other weekend from late May to July. Find out more about the State Cup.
All Chatswood Rangers Teams are entered into the NSFA Winter Competition which generally runs from the start of April to the end of August (including finals when played).
The NSFA schedules matches with 'Home' and 'Away' fixtures delivering the schedule through Dribl with several rounds being published at a time. Generally, Mixed & Men's Teams play on Saturdays and Girls & Women's Teams play on Sundays, however there is often some variation to this with matches being scheduled outside of the usual timings, including some teams playing on Friday nights. Full details of the NSFA competitions, including the rules and regulations for each age group and league, can be found on the NSFA Website.
Following the first trial, coaches will rank players and provide the Club with recommendations for player offers. Further assessments and ranking will be carried out at the second trial. The third trial will only be used when necessary. Some players will be made an offer after the first trial and others after the second trial. Final offers will be made based on acceptance of the initial offers and remaining places in each team. Offers will be sent via email/Team Grader and include all relevant information and reference to the details contained here. An offer must be accepted in writing via response to the email/Team Grader communication and be accompanied, within 7 days, by payment of the Non-Refundable Deposit of 50% of the Development Fee. Failure to respond to the offer within 7 days and make payment of the deposit, will render the offer void and the next player in the rankings will be offered the place.
Club Registrations
All players across Chatswood Rangers are required to pay the Club Registration Fee (see below) in order to be eligible to play and train with the Club. Registration is carried out through the Play Football platform run by Football NSW. Further information and links to registration portals can be found on either the Junior Football and Senior Football pages of the Rangers website.
Development Team Registrations
There is no separate process to register to play for a Development Team, registration is covered by the standard Club registration as above. Once a player has accepted a place in a Development Team and has completed the Club registration, the Club Registrar will place the player in the appropriate team in Dribl.
Note: while the Club registration process and fee allows a player to be eligible to play, they must pay the additional Development Program Fee in order to cover the additional costs such as coaching fees, ground hire for additional training and other costs related to the running of the program.
Pre-season Training All Development Teams commence training earlier than Community Teams and train twice per week. Generally, JDL/SL/DL teams will commence pre-season training 6-8 weeks prior to the start of the season. Other Development Teams generally commence pre-season training 4 weeks prior to the start of the season. In-season Training All Development Teams train twice per week with each training session being 60-75min. Optional Training Programs Throughout the year, the Club may offer additional training programs outside of the team training sessions. These are optional and incur additional costs to the Development Fees.Development Team Trials
All players selected for a Development Team must participate in a trial. Trials are generally held in November each year with notice being shared via the Rangers website, Facebook pages and other communications. Trials are coordinated and carried out by the coaches who work with the Development Teams and consist of:
Trial #1 – skills-based assessment
Trial #2 – match play assessment
Trial #3 – call backs and additional trial if needed
After the first trial, a player may be notified that they have not met the minimum standard of play and will not be required at further trials. Players who are successful at trial will be send an offer via email and will have 7 days to make the Non-Refundable Deposit of 50% of the Development Fee in order to accept the offer. If the payment is not made, or the player turns down the offer by reply to the email, then the next player in the offers list will offered the place.
Community Team Trials
Generally, we do not run trials for Community Teams as these teams are formed socially or based on registrations of players who have not played for Rangers before.
Uniforms are available via the Club online shop. All players must wear the official Chatswood Rangers uniform (jersey, shorts & socks). Additional Rangers branded items, such as hoodies and jackets, can be purchased should players wish to do so.
Chatswood Rangers use a registration system operated by the Football Federation Australia (FFA).
Each person involved in football requires a football account with the Registration system.
For all players registering this season, it is a two step process. Step 1 Create a football account and confirm your identity. Step 2 Register with Chatswood Rangers Football Club and choose your age group.Take a look at our STEP BY STEP GUIDE FOR REGISTERING.
To register as a Junior Player
To register as a Manager, Coach or Volunteer
For more details about registering, take a look at the Football-Registration-Guide.
If your child is eligible for an Active Kids Voucher, please claim your voucher prior to registering and provide your voucher details at the payment stage.
Information on the Active Kids Program can be found here.
Junior players (U/12 to U/18 age groups) who last played overseas (even if not for an associated competition) need to complete an International Transfer Application – when registering online you must state that you last played overseas and provide the required details. Also ensure that you completely and correctly fill in the registration questions. As well, please contact the registrar immediately after registration for further requirements. Failure to provide these details at registration time will delay your registration.
- View the Player Registration guide above.
- Call the PlayFootball support centre on 02 8880 7983
- Contact the club by emailing admin@chatswoodrangers.com.au providing as much detail as possible.
All coaches, managers and volunteers will need to register via the FFA website. Go to the Registration page to do so.
It is also a requirement that all coaches, managers and volunteers who are over 18 years old, hold a current Working With Children Number.
Please ensure you keep your team manager informed of your child’s availability for games.
NSFA Competition Regulations 2021 - MiniRoos (U6-U11)
NSFA Competition Regulations 2021 - Competition Age Groups (U12-U18)
- Note - NSFA do not cancel games for rain. NSFA only cancel games if the ground has been closed or is deemed unfit for play. If there are cancellations or postponements of matches, or matches are relocated, the website will be updated to reflect this.
- Please continue to check the draw on the NSFA website as your game may be cancelled at one ground and relocated to another that is open for play in some circumstances.
Willoughby Council Ground Closures
Lane Cove Wet Weather & Sportgrounds Update
Ku-Ring-Gai Council Closures and Wet Weather
North Sydney mobile site - Wet Weather Closures
Hornsby Shire Council Ground Closures
Female Football
Development Leagues: SAP, Diamond League, Super League
NSFA Development Leagues Overview
The NSFA website contains information regarding Fixtures & Result, Wet Weather Information, NSFA Events and various other information.