Club Constitution Update
At the 2023 AGM a motion was passed to adopt a new Club Constitution, based on the model constitution of the Department of Fair Trading and modified to suit the needs of our Club and to bring us in line with the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 (NSW). This process was led by the 2023 Executive and supported by Tim Borham of Sajen Legal (sponsor and legal advisor for the Club).
The outgoing Constitution can be viewed here and the updated Constitution can be viewed here.
The motion to adopt the new constitution was accepted with the amendments that:
- it will come into effect 30 days from the date of the AGM (27/11/23) in order to give members time to clarify any items or provide further feedback;
- specific reference be made to Lane Cove Council in addition to Willoughby Council in clause 13(d); and
- the Club Colour Scheme be embedded as a new clause 47:
The Club colours are, subject to requirements of authorities to which the Club is bound to comply:- Royal Blue – Colour Hex #4169e1 aka RGB 65, 105, 225; and
- White – Colour Hex #FFFFFF aka RGB 255, 255, 255.
All questions and comments must be put in writing and addressed to the Executive Committee at At the end of the 30-day period the Executive will review all feedback and determine whether any feedback would warrant the calling of an EGM.
The reasons presented at the AGM for the need for an updated Constitution included:
- the existing Constitution is out-of-date and may not meet all requirements under the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 (NSW) (the “Act”);
- the hierarchy of the Executive Committee and its subcommittees is unclear;
- some rules about the operation of the Association are either unclear, conflicting, do not comply with the requirements of the Act or are missing entirely.
The new Constitution will also make management of the Club easier by allowing sub-committee roles to be adapted throughout the year rather than waiting for approval at an AGM (not the Executive roles) and allow for updates to be proposed and voted on outside an AGM where necessary.
The overall purpose of this process is to ensure the effective running of Chatswood Rangers Sports Club, to ensure the Committee is supported and able to carry out their duties, and that all members are well served.