Rangers RAP – 31/05/2024

May 31, 2024

At Chatswood Rangers we have an amazing group of coaches, referees and umpires working with our teams and officiating matches across the football and netball associations. It is great to see so many of our members dedicated to their sport in ways that go beyond playing the game.

Not only is being a coach, referee or umpire a satisfying endeavour and opportunity to be further involved with the Club and the sport, it can also be a great way to earn some extra money each week! While we do have volunteer coaches, we also have paid coaches, many of whom are Rangers players. Referees and umpires are paid for the work they do once they have completed the necessary qualifications.

So if you are interested in getting involved, reach out to the secretaries to ask about opportunities to get qualified as a coach, referee or umpire and see where it takes you.

A great example of a young Rangers player taking the leap into refereeing and excelling at it, is Seb Ruskin from our U16-SL team. Seb has shown great commitment to refereeing and has proven himself to be very good at it. After a relatively short time in the job, Seb is being allocated to Senior Mens PL matches and also NPL matches. This is an amazing achievement for such a young player/referee and a credit to his parents who are extremely supportive of his efforts. Seb’s younger brother Ewan is also a referee and is doing an amazing job, and Seb’s mum, Gretchen, is our football referee coordinator so it is a real family affair!

If you see any Rangers referees or umpires at matches, please let them know you appreciate their efforts and think they are doing an amazing job for all of us.

Have a great weekend everyone!


junior football

The weather is looking unpredictable for the weekend. Please keep an eye on the NSFA website, as some grounds may be closed https://nsfa.asn.au/grounds/wet-weather/. The Executive Committee do visit games on the weekends and training during the week and it is great to see both player and parent/carer commitment to their teams especially with all the travel required! Here are some snaps from around the grounds this week - we love to share photos so please send some to us. Rangers Development Program The Executive Committee met with the NSFA Football Development team at Chatswood High School during our training sessions last Tuesday, to look at the progress made and the program we have implemented.  They were extremely pleased with what they saw for both Development Teams and Community Teams.  We will be working closely with them over the coming weeks and months to ensure our both our football development & community programs get all the support needed. Well done to the U8-U9 coaches led by Hansel and to the team from Vision for their work with the U10-U18 teams. Become a Referee You can join one of NSFA's upcoming mid-season courses! All courses will be held 6pm-9pm at Warimoo Oval. Sign up for one of the following courses via EtrainU:
  • 11 June / 13 June (Tue/Thur)
  • 22 July / 24 July (Mon/Wed)
July Holiday Camps Run by Vision Again we have partnered with Vision Football to offer holiday camps in the July school holidays. Chatswood Rangers members get a 10% discount by using the code CRFC10 💙🤍💙🤍
Book your places now before they fill up!
http://visionfootballau.com/holiday-programs Volunteers needed!! The club will be looking for volunteers in the coming months for events we will be coordinating and for the new season.  It would be great if we could get more people involved to ensure the ongoing progress of the club.  If you are interested, please email juniorfootball@chatswoodrangers.com.au. Thanks Nick juniorfootball@chatswoodrangers.com.au

junior netball

Our netball coaches were looking good at training this week in their new hoodies, jackets or polo shirts. Thank you to Joe, Chatswood Rangers Club President, for delivering these to the courts. Our coaches generously offer their time to support our players and share their passion for netball. They’re wonderful representatives of the club and now proudly wearing Rangers colours as they coach our teams for the 2024 season! Hoodies, jackets and other Chatswood Rangers items can be purchased via the online shop. Check out the training jerseys in bright pink & other colour choices. PIZZA PARTY!!! On Wednesday 6th June there will be a group training session for all Junior Netball teams from 6:00 to 7:00 pm followed by PIZZA…yay! This is a chance for the girls to socialise and have a bit of fun before we break for the long weekend. No games on the King’s Birthday Long Weekend There are no games scheduled on 7, 8, 9 June 2024. Enjoy the break over the long weekend. Games will resume the following week. Uniforms on Game Day With the cooler winter weather setting in, it can be very cold on game day/evenings. Players are allowed to wear long black leggings &/or a white shirt under their netball dress or shirt. No other colours are allowed. There must not be any pockets or catch points on shirts or leggings. A reminder also that no jewellery is allowed to be worn during games. Earrings must be removed – they cannot be taped. This is for the safety of all players to avoid any injuries. WIN tickets to a Giants Netball game. Enter by Tue 4th June to win 4 tickets to NSW Giants vs QLD Firebirds on Sunday 9th June at 4:00 pm. Send a photo of you/your team in action along with a caption to enter the drawer. The best photo will be published in the newsletter and win! Email your photo to juniornetball@chatswoodrangers.com.au Thank you to the Giants commercial cleaning partner, Essential Facilities Services (www.essentialfs.com.au) for providing these tickets! Janine & Christy juniornetball@chatswoodrangers.com.au seniornetball@chatswoodrangers.com.au

senior football

It's been great to get a string of matches together without being washed out and also great not to be picking synthetic grass from our boots after matches at Chatswood High School! Well done to all our senior teams for their efforts in their respective divisions and for their commitment to supporting the Club at events. Each Saturday some of our senior players run a meat raffle at the Great Northern Hotel which raises some extra money for the Club, but also connects us with our community and allows us to represent Rangers, The Great Northern Hotel and Springbok Delights (who provide all meat trays for raffles at the Great Northern). Special mention to our Mens AA2 team who last week beat Northbridge to go top of the table and also top of the Championship Ladder. The team also beat Asquith on Tuesday night to progress to the second round of the Damian Miles Cup. Well done lads and keep up the amazing work! Become a Referee All Senior Teams should have nominated one or two players as referees. If you have not done this yet, you can join one of NSFA's upcoming mid-season courses! All courses will be held 6pm-9pm at Warimoo Oval. Sign up for one of the following courses via EtrainU:
  • 11 June / 13 June (Tue/Thur)
  • 22 July / 24 July (Mon/Wed)
Thanks Rich seniorfootball@chatswoodrangers.com.au


Tickets are now on sale for the Rangers Trivia Night. Full details are available in the online shop where you can purchase your tickets, so get a table of 8 together and don't miss out on one of the best social nights of the year! BUY TRVIA NIGHT TICKETS HERE


There is a wide selection of items in the Rangers Shop suitable for players and spectators. Many items have now started to sell out so some sizes are no longer available. If there is something you are desperate to purchase and it is out of stock, send an email to shop@chatswoodrangers.com.au and we will see if Besteam have any in their warehouse. GO TO THE ONLINE SHOP


Sajen Legal have been amazing in their ongoing support of Chatswood Rangers and have ensured we have access to their services when needed - writing of Club documents and contracts, legal advice and more. Please reach out to them should you need any of their services as they are ready to help. A message from our amazing partner, Sajen Legal. As a longstanding partner of Chatswood Rangers, we appreciate that the fundamental constituent of a club is the people and the drive to create a community. However, a club can come tumbling down at its foundations if corporate governance is neglected. That’s where Sajen Legal steps in. Over the years, we have worked closely with Chatswood Rangers to ensure their legal framework is robust and supportive of their community goals. We assisted in drafting their constitution, formalising coaching agreements, and securing sponsorships. Beyond these legal documents, our role has extended to offering ongoing advice and support on a range of governance issues, ensuring the club remains compliant and well-managed. Our collaborative efforts have not only strengthened the club's legal standing but also fostered a friendly and inclusive atmosphere where every member feels valued and protected. Sajen Legal is committed to maintaining the integrity and success of Chatswood Rangers, ensuring they continue to thrive and serve their community for years to come. At Sajen Legal, the client’s journey begins with a deep, empathetic understanding of their unique needs and aspirations. This client-centric approach is the backbone of Sajen, and the firm’s ethos revolves around building lasting relationships, characterised by trust, transparency, and unwavering support. We find innovative solutions to match the needs of each client, whether the client be a new client coming for business structural advice or a client on fixed fee retainer asking about improvements to employment contracts. By providing flexibility in how clients engage us, we can truly adapt to the individual circumstances of the small to medium sized businesses and enhance client relationships. Further, our comprehensive portfolio of services ease client care, as our prowess extends beyond the simple property transactions or trademark registrations. We delve into the complexities of contractual obligations, foster productive working environments with minimal legal risks, and offer support in dispute resolution to resolve any conflict efficiently. With our blend of traditional values and forward-thinking strategies, we are committed to uphold the highest standards of legal practice, further supported by decades of expertise in various legal disciplines. Sajen Legal’s wholistic approach and unwavering dedication to client success make us a trusted ally in the legal field. By blending acute legal knowledge with strategic insight, we not only resolve issues but also anticipate and prevent future challenges, ensuring clients’ long-term prosperity and peace of mind. You can contact Sajen Legal via their website www.sajenlegal.com.au   Thank you to all our amazing sponsors. Take a look at our Sponsors Page to see what our Sponsors offer to Rangers Members.