Rangers RAP – 28/06/2024

June 29, 2024

Is it really the end of June???

Wow the season is really flying by and we are now into the second half of the competitions. I hope this week the better weather will see all teams making it on the courts and fields and completing a full round of matches!

Good luck to all Rangers teams this week!

Some of our amazing volunteers have been hard at work putting together the Rangers Trivia Night, which is always such a fun event. We are yet to sell enough tickets to make the event viable so I urge members to get your tickets now so we don’t have to cancel the event. Tickets have been subsidised by our generous sponsors so are now just $20 – amazing value as they include a drink and some pizza! See the details below and get your tickets!


junior football

Wet weather :( I know everyone is frustrated by the lack of matches and often late notice on cancellations. Unfortunately, there isn’t much we can do. All that can be done to relocate games is being done. The reality is that if we do play on some of these grass fields after heavy rain, they will get ruined, and the Council will close them for a few weeks to allow them to repair naturally. Which would mean even fewer games! With the school holidays and sickness doing the rounds, please make contact with other age group managers if you need to borrow players to ensure you field a full team. All managers should have the contact list. Around the Grounds Spectator Etiquette During my visits to the grounds, I have noticed that some spectators stand on the sideline and can often impede the game.  Can everyone be mindful of this and stand at least 1 meter back from the sideline.  Parents and spectators should stand on the opposite side of the field to the coach/manager and substitute players. Being considerate of the players and referee in this way will prevent players from potentially injuring themselves or a spectator. Player Attire A reminder to all players and parents.  Hats are not to be worn by players during the game.  The only exception is the goalkeeper (if the sun is in their eyes).  Please ensure we stick to this rule, to prevent potential injury to players during the game. July School Holidays With the July school holidays around the corner, just a reminder of the following.
  • You will have games on the weekend of 6/7th July.
  • There will be no training from Monday 8th to Friday 12th July.
  • There are no games on the weekend of 12/13th July.
  • Normal training resumes Monday 14th July.
  • You will have games on the weekend of 19/20th July.
Holiday Camps and Clinics
Week 1
Vision Football Camps and Clinics
Our coaching partners, Vision Football, are running a camp on 9, 10 & 11 July.
There is a 10% discount for Rangers members with code CRFC10.
and bookings can be made here www.visionfootballau.com/holidays
Week 2
We are running our own camp on 15, 16 & 17 July, coordinated by Coach Hansel (head coach of our Miniroos Development Program). There is a 10% discount until 8 July.

junior netball

School Holidays We have a break now for the school holidays. After the holidays, training will resume on Wed 24 July for games on the weekend of 26 – 28 July. Giants Tickets Don’t forget to send a photo of you or your team in action along with a caption, for your chance to win tickets to an upcoming NSW Giants game. Send your photos to juniornetball@chatswoodrangers.com.au Thank you to the Giants commercial cleaning partner, Essential Facilities Services (www.essentialfs.com.au) for providing these tickets!

senior football

Make up matches are being scheduled so keep in touch with your team manager and watch for updates on Dribl as matches are confirmed. Some training sessions may be cancelled to allow for week night matches so thank you players for your understanding with that. We have seen a good turn out at the Great Northern Hotel following matches over the weekend and encourage teams to get together after their matches and to mix with other Senior teams. We really pride ourselves in wanting our teams and players to connect with one another and to be part of the Club.  With this in mind, look out for end of season events to be announced soon. Wishing everyone a full round of matches and lots of great football!



Tickets are now on sale for the Rangers Trivia Night. Full details are available in the online shop where you can purchase your tickets, so get a table of 8 together and don’t miss out on one of the best social nights of the year! BUY TRVIA NIGHT TICKETS HERE


Preventing Football Injuries with the Fifa11+ A message from our partners Movement 101 Chatswood. Have you ever heard of the FIFA11+ program? Continue to read to find out exactly what it is and how it can help you with your performance! As a Physiotherapist, I’ve seen firsthand how common and debilitating these injuries can be. That’s why I want to highlight the importance of incorporating the FIFA11+ into your training routine and pre-game warm up. The Fifa11+ is a scientifically proven warm-up, designed specifically to prevent injuries and enhance performance in soccer players. It started specifically to reduce the risk of groin injuries (formerly known at the FIFA11 program), but has now developed into the FIFA11+ which has been adapted to decreasing the risk of sustaining all lower limb injuries. FIFA uses this program with its elite athletes, so why wouldn’t you? It includes a series of exercises focusing on strength, balance, and core stability, all crucial for maintaining peak physical condition and avoiding common soccer-related injuries. In my experience, the FIFA11+ is particularly effective in reducing the risk of lower limb injuries, including groin strains, hamstring issues, and knee problems. By dedicating just 20 minutes before each training or match to this routine, players can significantly improve their muscle control and coordination. This not only helps in preventing injuries but also boosts overall performance on the field. The program is easy to follow and can be adapted for players of all ages and skill levels, making it a valuable addition to any warm-up routine regardless of age and level. Give these exercises a go and see how you go! FIFA-11-poster By doing these exercises, together we can create a safer, more effective training environment and help you reach your full potential. Let’s commit to excellence and injury prevention with the FIFA11+. Alternatively if you are suffering from an injury, feel free to book in a FREE triage consultation for our Physiotherapists to assess your injury. You can book an appointment here, or give us a call on 7205 7339