Rangers RAP – 20/04/2024

April 20, 2024

Today I arrive in Perth after ten of the most amazing days of my life. Travelling with my fellow Rangers Mike King, Richard Pickton and Pete Askew, we drove over 5600km and visited many amazing rural and remote communities. Words cannot describe how amazing it was to meet people from sporting clubs, local councils and other community groups as they welcomed us in to their towns and provided us with a place to camp, meals and company. Just like Chatswood Rangers, these community groups are run by volunteers who donate their time and energy to ensure people in their area have a place to meet and enjoy their time together…THANK YOU to each and every person who made our trip so amazing and proved that it is kindness and care for our fellow Australians that is most important.

I hope everyone has had a great start to the season and is enjoying your sport. I will try to get around the grounds and courts this week to say hello and see how things are going. If you have any feedback for us, feel free to email me any time.

I also hope to see many of you this Thursday for ANZAC Day. I will attend the dawn service at Chatswood RSL before heading to the Great Northern Hotel to see our Senior footballers run the 2Up.



junior football

Kick Off Success! The sun shone all weekend to ensure all the teams got their seasons underway. It was great to see the playing fields full of teams and families and friends supporting them. With this weekend a scheduled fixture break, due to the school holidays, we hope that everyone who isn’t lucky enough to be away on holiday is still getting together for their scheduled training sessions. Just a reminder that there will be no scheduled training sessions on Anzac Day. During the season, please send any inquiries regarding Community Football to the Junior Football Secretary at juniorfootball@chatswoodrangers.com.au


junior netball

Chatswood Rangers Junior Netball teams have had a great start to the season, with several games won and many happy faces as girls returned to the courts for Rounds 1 & 2.   Many of our new members played their very first games of competition netball.  It’s wonderful to see new friendships forming and the skills and teamwork coming together. New Inclusive Uniforms Our new netball T-shirts have arrived and they look fantastic !! Many players have taken up the option of a Rangers T-Shirt with black bottoms (shorts, skort or leggings). All players have the option of wearing either the netball dress or the T-shirt with black bottoms.  Uniforms can be ordered online at the Chatswood Rangers Shop. As the weather starts to cool down, players are also able to wear long sleeves or leggings underneath their uniforms.  This Must adhere to the approved colours which are a white long sleeve shirt and black leggings. Under 10’s Grading finalised The Northern Suburbs Netball Association (NSNA) has completed the grading of all U10s teams.  Information will be emailed to team managers and communicated to all parents. The fixtures for all teams are now available in PlayHQ. Fixtures and game results during the season can be accessed via: www.playhq.com
  • On the home page, search for Chatswood Rangers
  • Click on the ‘Chatswood Rangers Netball Club’ icon that will appear
  • Select ‘Winter 2024’ (for either the Net Set Go or Winter Competition program)
  • Select your team name (e.g. Rangers 06)
All of the fixtures for the season will appear.  After games are played, you will also be able to see the game results. Training resumes Wednesday 1st May Training and games will start again when school resumes for Term 2.  Enjoy the school holiday break.  I look forward to seeing everyone after the school holidays. Congratulations to Rangers 08 (U12s) for their 7-1 win in Round 2. Congratulations to Rangers 09 (U12s) for their 9-1 win in Round 2.


senior football

Well! The start of the 2024 season has been a real mixed bag; washouts, postponements, abandoned games due to lights (thanks Willoughby council), we’ve seen it all in the first two rounds.  It should make the rest of the season exciting!

The good news is that the Rangers Seniors flagship teams in All Age Div 2 are doing well having both won their first two matches, with the firsts sitting at the top of the table.  Solid start boys, keep it up!

Mention should also be made of the Over 45 Div 1 firsts team who had a massive 12-2 win over Northbridge last week.  They obviously need to tighten up their defence.

On the social calendar is ANZAC DAY!!  As everyone hopefully knows, Rangers Seniors have a proud tradition of running the 2Up for the Great Northern Hotel on Anzac Day, this Thursday 25/4, from midday.  Get down there, get involved in helping us and the community, and have a great day.  We had a great turnout last year, I’m look forward to seeing another day of strong Rangers support in the royal blue and white.

This weeks’ matches at Chatswood High see the AA2 reserves at 11.20, followed by firsts continuing their domination of the comp at 1.15. We then see the Over 35’s in their first match of the season at 3pm, followed by the AA4 Blues at 5pm.

Sunday sees the Womens Over 45’s with an ungodly Sunday start time of 9am.

Good luck to everyone in their matches!


senior netball

First 2 rounds done and dusted for senior netball! We are now on a break for the school holidays and return back to games on 4th May with training resuming back on the 1st.  Enjoy the break and see everyone on the courts.



Thursday 25th April – ANZAC DAY We will pay our respects to service men and women past and present at the Great Northern Hotel. Book a table and join us for lunch and participate in the 2-Up run by our Senior Footballers (you must be 18 years or older to participate in 2-Up).


Thank you to all our amazing sponsors. Take a look at our Sponsors Page to see what our Sponsors offer to Rangers Members.