Rangers RAP – 05/07/2024

July 4, 2024

We hope all junior members of the Club have a safe and happy School Holidays. While it is a great time to rest and catch up on things, some teams continue to train and have matches (make up football matches are being scheduled) so make sure you look at the notices from Secretaries and team officials. There are also some camps and other activities taking place across the holidays so check out those notices and see if there is something you are interested in taking part in.

And…last chance to get tickets for the Trivia Night this Saturday. It is going to be a great night so hope to see many of you there!


junior football

Hopefully we get in our games this weekend prior to the break.  With the school holidays and sickness doing the rounds, please make contact with other age group managers if you need to borrow players to ensure you field a full team.  All managers should have the contact list. Around the Ground July School Holidays With the July school holidays around the corner, just a reminder of the following.
  • You will have games on the weekend of 6/7th July.
  • There will be no training from Monday 8th to Friday 12th July.
  • There are no games on the weekend of 12/13th July.
  • Normal training resumes Monday 14th July.
  • You will have games on the weekend of 19/20th July.
End of Season Gala Day – Save the date Chatswood Rangers will be holding a gala morning at Thompson Park Oval on Saturday 7th September to celebrate the end of the season...more details to follow. Vision Football It has been great having Vision Football as our main football coaching partner this season. They have provided an excellent coaching program across our Junior Development Teams and also to some Community Teams...and the feedback from players and parents has been great. Vision Football are also running Holiday Camps and other programs with us. You might have also seen them at Chatswood High School on Friday afternoons and wondered what they are doing. Vision's Academy Programs run on Fridays throughout the year and are an opportunity for players to extended their football ability. They offer varying levels of program with details available on their website. You can also reach out to them to find out more. email : bookings@visionfootballau.com

phone : 0410 818 009

Volunteers needed! The club will be looking for volunteers in the coming months for events we will be coordinating and for the new season.  It would be great if we could get more people involved to ensure the ongoing progress of the club.  If you are interested, please email juniorfootball@chatswoodrangers.com.au. Thanks


junior netball

School Holidays We have a break now for the school holidays. After the holidays, training will resume on Wed 24 July for games on the weekend of 26 – 28 July. [video width="850" height="314" mp4="https://chatswoodrangers.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Netball-Happy-Holidays.mp4" loop="true" autoplay="true"][/video] Giants Tickets Don’t forget to send a photo of you or your team in action along with a caption, for your chance to win tickets to an upcoming NSW Giants game. Send your photos to juniornetball@chatswoodrangers.com.au Thank you to the Giants commercial cleaning partner, Essential Facilities Services (www.essentialfs.com.au) for providing these tickets!


Last chance to get tickets for the Rangers Trivia Night. Full details are available in the online shop where you can purchase your tickets, so get a table of 8 together and don’t miss out on one of the best social nights of the year! BUY TRVIA NIGHT TICKETS HERE Holiday Football Camps and Clinics
Week 1
Vision Football Camps and Clinics
Our coaching partners, Vision Football, are running a camp on 9, 10 & 11 July.
There is a 10% discount for Rangers members with code CRFC10.
and bookings can be made here www.visionfootballau.com/holidays
Week 2
We are running our own camp on 15, 16 & 17 July, coordinated by Coach Hansel (head coach of our Miniroos Development Program). There is a 10% discount until 8 July.


Thank you to all our amazing sponsors. Take a look at our Sponsors Page to see what our Sponsors offer to Rangers Members.