Rangers RAP – 03/05/2024
May 3, 2024
The one thing we don’t have control over is the weather. I hope some matches go ahead this weekend despite the rain.
Make sure to check the various wet weather updates and messages from your team managers as matches can sometimes be moved due to ground closures.
NSFA’s Female Football Week takes place next week so check the NSFA Facebook and their email newsletters for details.
This weekend sees the Women’s A-League Final being played between Sydney FC and Melbourne City. If you are looking for a place to watch the match, we have booked the fireplace (yes fireplace) area at the Great Northern Hotel and welcome all Rangers members and friends of the Club to get together and enjoy the final.
Good luck to all netballers and footballers who get to play this weekend.
junior football
Rain, rain, go away
Come again some other day
We want to go outside and play FOOTBALL!
Let’s hope the rain holds off for this weekend’s games.
Links below for council wet weather announcements. This includes closures of grass fields we use for training too.
Weekend Games
The NSFA receives a grounds report from Councils around 2pm on Friday. We will work through any ground closures and provide an update on our website by 5pm COB Friday. Where possible, they will look to move games to open grounds, however if there are mass ground closures then games will be washed out in Dribl.
Rangers Training
Other Councils
https://www.krg.nsw.gov.au/Things-to-do/Parks-playgrounds-and-sportsfields/Closures-and-wet-weather https://www.lanecove.nsw.gov.au/Community/Parks-and-Recreation/Wet-Weather-and-Sports-Grounds-Closures https://www.hornsby.nsw.gov.au/lifestyle/sports-and-recreation/facilities/sportsgrounds/sportsground-closures https://www.northsydney.nsw.gov.au/directory/13/parks-playgrournds-and-sportsgrounds/category/47
Great to see the team’s training in all weather conditions during the week on the synthetic fields and grass (when not closed!). Thomson Park cannot come back quick enough!
senior football
Thanks to all those who came along to support another cracking Anzac Day at the Great Northern Hotel.
More social events to put into your calendar:
- We’re currently trying to see if the pub can get a late licence to show the FA Cup final on Saturday 25/5.
- Then the world-famous Chatswood Rangers trivia night is currently being planned for 6/7.
Despite a rocky start, the season has started reasonably well for the Chatswood Rangers seniors, with about half our teams currently placed in the top 4 on their respective tables.
This weekend at Chatswood High School sees the plucky Over 35’s play their second game for the season on Friday night at 6.05pm, followed by the AA4 Blues at 7.45.
Saturday has the over 45’s reserves at 1pm, 45/firsts at 3pm, then the All Age 6 lads at 5pm.
The Rangers Womens Over 45’s game CHS at 1pm on Sunday.
Wishing everyone a prosperous weekend of football!
Trivia Night is coming!!!
Look out for tickets to go on sale soon for one of the most popular events on the social calendar. If you are able to help with prizes for the night, please send an email to communications@chatswoodrangers.com.au
Thank you to all our amazing sponsors. Take a look at our Sponsors Page to see what our Sponsors offer to Rangers Members.