Rangers RAP – 02/08/2024

August 2, 2024

Brrrrr…it is definitely Winter now! 🥶

Some much colder days recently have seen beanies, scarves, gloves and hoodies being worn on the training fields and courts. A reminder that when playing an official match, you must wear the official team uniform, so if you are cold, consider wearing another layer underneath rather than on top of your uniform.

We are now only a few weeks away from the end of the 2024 season with teams finishing their final matches over the next few weekends. Please ensure we all continue to hold ourselves to the highest of standards of fair play and behaviour as players, coaches, managers and spectators. There have been a couple of incidents in recent weeks that I have witnessed, or had reported to me, that really could have been avoided by simply taking a step back and remembering that we are a Community Club and playing Community Sport. There is no excuse for continual questioning of the match officials, calling out negative or insulting comments, or entering the field of play unless invited by the match officials. Let’s have a competitive but controlled end to the season and ensure all players enjoy their football and netball experience.

I am looking forward to participating in the end of season events organised by the football and netball coordinators. Please reach out to them to see if they need any support in organising and running these events. It will be nice to celebrate another great season together and recognise the efforts of our Rangers Community.

And…it was fantastic to see our Men’s AA2 First Grade team secure the title with two rounds yet to play. Their win against Northbridge on Saturday also sees the squad get promoted back to the PL1 division for next season! Well done to the players, coaches and managers involved in getting Rangers back to the top! 💙💙💙

Have a great weekend and enjoy your sport!



junior football

Another frustrating weekend of interrupted matches...it hasn't been the best of seasons 😭 The NSFA are doing all they can to re-allocate matches on the day where possible, so please do factor this into your weekend plans. In the event of rain, your game time and location may get changed to facilitate a match still going ahead. There are also matches being scheduled for weekdays at Thomson Park, which is great, so please do your best to have a team available as we are running out of time to fit in all remaining matches. Around the Grounds Community spirit is at the heart of Rangers! Due to illness and other reasons, 50% of the U7 Doves team last weekend was made up of players from other teams within the club. And a great game resulted in a 5:5 draw. Thank you to our borrowed players!! Mid week training…thank you to those volunteer parent coaches! Last minute location and kick-off time change...but they got to play and had a resounding win! GO RANGERS!! School Holiday Camps After the great success and feedback of our July Holiday Camps, we will be scheduling them for the October holidays.  Stay tuned for more details and registration information. Summer Football Training We have now secured grounds for a Mini-Roos Academy and Junior Academy to run from 9th September to mid December. This 12 week program is designed to cater for players looking to advance their football skills and ability, in particular those players looking to trial for a Development Team for the 2025 season. Further details of the program will be circulated via email, appear on Facebook and full details being posted to the Rangers website. We are very excited to introduce these new programs to Rangers and look forward to seeing the positive impact it will have on player standards and team quality across the Junior Club. 2025 Season Development Trials (all age groups) Trials for our 2025 Development teams (including JDL, Super League and Diamond League) have been scheduled for November. We are still finalising details for player trials across all age groups from Under 8  to Under 18 and look forward to sharing those details and taking registrations in the next few weeks. End of Season Gala Day – Save the date Chatswood Rangers will be holding the junior team presentations and a gala morning at Thompson Park on Saturday 7th September. Teams will have the opportunity to get together to celebrate the end of the season and also have a lot of fun. Jumping castle, football activities, face painting, BBQ and more! Volunteers needed! The club will be looking for volunteers in the coming months for events we will be coordinating and for the new season.  It would be great if we could get more people involved to ensure the ongoing progress of the club.  If you are interested, please email juniorfootball@chatswoodrangers.com.au. Sponsorship Support I am taking part in the CEO Walk In My Shoes - RMHC Sydney in September aiming to raise $5K for a great cause.  It would be great to get the Rangers Community behind this and show our support for this great cause. Donations can be made via the this link: RMHC - Nicholas Jenkinson (ceowalkinmyshoes.org.au) Thanks in advance for your support and have a great weekend of football! 💙



junior netball

Welcome back! It was great to see everyone back on the courts after the school holiday break. Let’s hope the weather is kind to us over the remaining weeks so all teams get to play each weekend. 🙏 Net Set Go A reminder that the NSG season has been extended by 1 week to make up for wet weather.  The fixtures for the remaining games in Rounds 10 to 12 have been updated in PlayHQ. Net Set Go Gala Day is on Sunday 25 August from 9 am to 12 pm. Junior & Senior Netball Finals Rounds As we head into the last few weeks of netball, Chatswood Rangers is well placed for finals this year with 6 of our 8 junior teams and 2 of 5 senior teams are currently placed in the top 4 positions on the ladder for their divisions. There is still time for a few other teams to make their way into the top 4 before the end of season.  Teams placed in the top four will enter the finals rounds after Round 14 (Round 12 for U10s teams). Finals Rounds are scheduled for Friday & Saturday 23rd / 24th and 30th / 31st August, and 6th / 7th September. In case of wet weather, the weekend of 13th/ 14th September is scheduled. For teams who are currently in or close to the Top 4, please make note of the dates for finals to ensure you’re available to play if your team makes it into the finals rounds.  Good Luck!! 💙💙💙 Giants to Visit Rangers Training Thanks to the ongoing partnership between Essential Facilities Services (via Junior Football Secretary, Nick Jenkinson) and the Giants Netball team, player Sophie Dwyer will attend training as below. This will be a great opportunity to learn from a high level player and get some great photos!
Date: Wednesday 14th Aug Time: 5:30-7:30pm Location: Willoughby Leisure Centre. What: Players to Meet and greet with Sophie Dwyer, take photos, signings and receive some coaching tips.
Good luck to all teams with your games this weekend!

Janine & Christy

juniornetball@chatswoodrangers.com.au seniornetball@chatswoodrangers.com.au

senior football

What a weekend for Chatswood Rangers Sports Club! Our Mens AA2 First Grade Team wrapped up the title race on Saturday with a HUGE 3-1 win over 2nd place Northbridge which will also see the squad promoted back to PL1 for next season!! 💙🏆⚽️💙
Now the boys look secure the Reserve Grade title and make it a clean sweep of the division. 💪
Thanks to our sponsors Springbok Delights for the amazing BBQ enjoyed by the supporters, The Great Northern Hotel for hosting the post match celebrations and to Chatswood RSL and our other sponsors for their ongoing support this season. 🥰
Good luck to all teams playing this weekend and for the final few matches of the season. Look out for notice of the end of season event coming out next week. Cheers!




Feeling the cold? 🥶
Get one of our hoodies or super warm puffy Team Jackets on sale now...while stock lasts. 💙💙💙

get involved

Is there any benefit to foam rolling?  Foam rolling has gained popularity over the last few decades and has been incorporated into the routines of athletes, weekend warriors and physio rehab patients alike. But is it beneficial to sporting performance? Fascia is a connective tissue that wraps around muscles and when tensioned can cause imbalances in our body that make movement patterns less efficient. When we apply pressure to the fascia, it is suggested that this sensation is detected by a part of our tendons called the golgi tendon organ which will send a message to our muscles to relax. So if we are feeling tight in our muscles, foam rolling can act as an adjunct tool to help put pressure on the fascia and relax our muscles. Whilst foam rolling does not improve performance markers such as muscle power or strength, it has been shown to have acute benefits on things such as improving our range of motion and helping with recovery of muscles post exercise by reducing delayed onset of muscle soreness (DOMS). If you’ve never tried foam rolling before, you can give it a go at home by following one of the videos below! Whilst foam rolling can be a nice addition to your warm up and cool down before and after sport, it shouldn’t replace your active warm up and cool down that we outlined in last week’s newsletter! Calf Foam Rolling Video Quads Foam Rolling Video Glutes Foam Rolling Video If you are suffering from an injury, feel free to book in a FREE triage consultation for our Physiotherapists to assess your injury. You can book an appointment here, or give us a call on 7205 7339


Thank you to all our amazing sponsors. Take a look at our Sponsors Page to see what our Sponsors offer to Rangers Members.